Sunday, November 11, 2007

Is it Possible?

Here are some cold medicine-fueled ramblings from The Material Girl...
Is it possible to watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition without tearing up (or sobbing, depending on the show)? I've never managed it, but there may be someone out there who can.
Is it possible to have enough clothes? Hell no!
Is it possible to have too many pairs of shoes? See above.
Is it possible to go a day without LooLoo and BooBoo fighting? I don't think it's happened since they both started talking - probably not even before then since they could have territory battles without exchanging a word. One day they may stop hanging out together, in which case I will lament how they used to spend all their time together (and forget that much of it involved fighting over every little thing).
Is it possible for my house to be any messier than it is today? Probably, but I'd rather not go there.
Is it possible to care less about how messy my house is today? Probably not.
Is it possible for 90% of Hollywood starlets to weigh any less than they do? Not if they want to remain breathing. Seriously, eat a fricking sandwich or twelve!
Is it possible for me to want a Diet Coke any more than I do right now? Not unless I were totally hungover, which I am not.

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