Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Horror!

It's not a pretty sight - you know, the Bare Midriff. Purposeful Bare Midriffs are bad enough (unless you are a young child or a Hollywood starlet, but even then they're certainly not classy), but those caused by creeping shirts over low-rise pants (and often accompanied by the dreaded Muffin Top) are especially horrifying. We've all had our peeking issues (my one tattoo likes to peek out when I bend over if I'm not careful), but I'm talking about pure negligence here, not the occasional accident. I have birthed two babies and now have a substantial marsupial pouch and I have less of a belly than many Bare Midriffs I see in the general public. Ladies, cover up your bellies! Regardless of their flatness, number of packs, stretch marks (or lack thereof) - just keep them under wraps! Walking around the Mall of America on a weekend is just about enough to make you want to gouge your eyes out rather than see yet another Bare Midriff. Yikes!

Tuesday: dark (Mossimo) jeans, heathered green tee, leopard print cardigan, gold cuff earrings & olive Skechers


The Cheap Chick said...

Oh God! When I was in Target the other day, I saw a girl strutting around with:
a. A Muffin top
b. A Bare tummy
c. A wide, white belt to call attention to it all.


Anonymous said...

Dear trainer,

Please don't ever allow me to be guilty of this. Though I admit, I have an occassional slip of the tat on my lower back and a little extra hanging over the jeans. Never on purpose. Is that enough confession?

Love the blog. It's inspiring!